Praying + Listening

My job as a literary collaborator is just one (extremely awesome) aspect of my life’s larger calling. Helping people tell their stories sometimes looks like writing and editing, but more often looks like listening well and talking every now and then. It also looks like prayer.

I’m an ordained deacon in the Diocese of St. Anthony, which means the prayers and sacraments of ancient Christianity shape my story. I hope and trust that faithful engagement with my tradition is forming me into a wildly generous, inexplicably peaceful, fully present human being who honors the Divine Presence in each person I meet (you included!) and in the world around us. Here are some ways I spiritually collaborate:

Praying is attending to the Love who is already attending to us. My prayer practice starts with the morning and evening rhythm set out in the Book of Common Prayer, the Anglican tradition’s breviary. But I’m a “yes, and” pray-er, which means I’ll try anything. Silent meditation, chant, sacred movement, labyrinths and nature walks, centering and welcoming prayers, spontaneous crying or cry-laughing or cuss-crying . . . I’m here for all of it. You’re invited to join me, or to request prayer for a particular need or situation. Whatever your religious or cultural heritage, faith practice or spiritual expression, sexual orientation or gender identity, or unique way of being in the world, I would be honored to hold space with you or for you in the Light.


Many of us are walking around with guilt and shame locked down in our bodies, waiting for someone to forgive us and set us free. While only priests can offer absolution, as a deacon I can listen to your confession and together we can receive forgiveness and freedom through Christ. (Be assured: Everything I hear under the sacramental seal of confession will be kept in complete confidence.) I would be honored to share your burden and carry it together to God.


The healing power of human touch is recognized and celebrated in many cultures around the world. In the Christian sacrament of unction for the sick, touch is accompanied by prayer and anointing with sacred oil, most often on the forehead with the sign of the cross. Whether you are ill in body, mind, or spirit, I would be honored to visit and pray the healing sacrament with you.

Unction (anointing with oil)

Got questions? Me too. So. Many. Questions. Rather than giving into anxiety, I try to let doubt lead me to connect with others. Whether you’ve got deep wounds from bad religion, curiosity about faith generally or Jesus specifically, or a desire to explore for yourself the way of life that is ancient Christianity, I would be honored to talk, study, and look for answers with you.

Conversation and

Weddings? Funerals? House blessings? Preaching? Yes. I would be honored to be present with you and the Spirit for life’s holy moments. I may request a small honorarium to cover travel or other expenses.

Rituals and occasions

If I can help in any of these ways, or if you’d like me to connect you with a priest, I’d love to hear from you.